Ganhe dinheiro com o Programa de Afiliados do SITE123

Torne-se um afiliado de SITE123 e ganhe até $ 420 por cada venda

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Funcionalidades Fantásticas

Grandes comissões
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Comissões para cada conversão
Comissões de preço fixo para todos os assinantes trazidos para nós!
Acompanhe suas conversões
Veja seus indicados, quem pagou e quanto foi ganho.
Nenhumas taxas intermediárias!
Receba o pagamento integral sem qualquer interferência de terceiros.
Seja pago com facilidade
Retirar seus fundos e receber o pagamento de forma rápida e fácil.
Banners fáceis de usar
Use nossos banners convenientes para atrair muitos clientes.

Crie sua conta de afiliado em 3 fáceis etapas

Crie uma conta e obtenha seu link de afiliado exclusivo. Para cada usuário que assina um plano pago, você recebe uma comissão de preço fixo. Comece a promover o mais fácil construtor de sites gratuitos em todo o mundo!

Livre para usar

Inscreva-se gratuitamente. Sem taxas de configuração de conta e sem taxas de assinatura. Você pode registrar uma conta em meros momentos e estar pronto para ganhar. Participe do nosso programa gratuito de afiliação hoje!

Uma plataforma de afiliados confiável

Sua conta é atualizada constantemente - você pode ver quais clientes compraram um pacote, quanto você ganhou e quantos clientes estão trabalhando em seu website a qualquer momento.

Suporte 24/7 - Estamos aqui para ajudar!

Fornecemos aos nossos afiliados assistência abrangente durante toda a sua jornada. Caso tenha alguma dúvida, não hesite em entrar em contato conosco através do nosso formulário de contato, e-mail ou suporte via chat disponível 24 horas por dia. Estamos sempre prontos para ajudar!
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Perguntas Frequentes

What is the SITE123 Affiliate Program?

The SITE123 Affiliate Program is aimed at site owners who can drive traffic directly to SITE123 through original content. This content can include online articles, tutorials, blog post and more. <br><br>Our program is great for all kinds of professions. This includes bloggers, webmasters, internet marketing experts, business consultants, and web designers. Join the program and earn commissions today!

How does the affiliate program work?

Our affiliate marketing program allows virtually anyone to open an account and begin receiving commissions for referring clients. Each affiliate receives a special personalized link that they then provide to potential customers. <br><br>This is how it works, step by step: First, a customer clicks the link and registers their website in our system. Then they purchase a hosting package and the affiliate receives a fixed commission. Once he reaches $300, he can withdraw the money to his PayPal account.

How to become a SITE123 Affiliate?

Simply go to the affiliate website and click the “JOIN NOW” button. Fill in the application form and that is it.

What is special about the SITE123 affiliate program?

We have one of the best affiliate programs. We offer our members one of the highest commission rates in the market while providing an opportunity for substantial profit. The products we sell are well-known and that makes them easier to market. In addition, unlike many other affiliate programs, SITE123 does not charge intermediary fees, thereby increasing affiliate profits.

How much does it cost to sign up for the affiliate program?

The subscription fee is $0 - you can sign up for free. There are no intermediary fees, no account setup fees and no subscription fees whatsoever. You can register an account in mere moments and be ready to earn. Join our program for free and promote a product today!

Can I earn more if my customer registered for a higher plan?

Sure! With our program, you can earn up to $420 for each deal. A customer purchasing a site with an annual Advanced plan will get you 135.3$. Buying for 2 years will increase the commission up to 154$, and the 3 year advanced plan will grant you 204.6$.<br><br>That's what makes it one of the best affiliate marketing programs out there! Join the program now and see what kind of conversion rates you can get!

How much can I make with SITE123 affiliates?

There's no limit! You will get a fixed price for each website you bring! We offer you one of the highest grossing programs worldwide. Direct payment and lack of fees guarantee you a much larger income than that of other affiliate programs.

How can I get help or support?

First, our software is very simple to understand and use. Second, you can always use our support center and search for an answer. Third, SITE123 has 24/7 support via online chat! Just click on it in the bottom corner and ask our agents any question you may have. In other words - we are here for you.

How do I get Paid?

SITE123 believes that trust-based relationships are the cornerstone of a successful affiliate program. Therefore, the financial process is conducted in full transparency. You’ll be able to see your profits at any time and from anywhere. When you reach the $300 withdrawal minimum, you can file a payment request to withdraw your funds to your PayPal account. You will be able to reach the withdrawal minimum quickly with SITE123’s affiliate link.

How am I supposed to advertise SITE123 and its products?

You can advertise SITE123 in any socially accepted way: social media networks, forums, mailing lists, banners and so on. It is important to remain positive and not to harass people. Avoid illegitimate methods such as spam, advertising in websites that offer inappropriate content, and malware. Spread your links for a potential customers and earn a passive income.

What if I need help and support?

SITE123 offers guidance and support at every step of the way. If a question should arise, feel free to contact us as we offer a great affiliate network. We are contactable by using our form, by mail, or by chat online. We will be happy to be at your service! You will be able to contact our affiliate manager directly regarding any issues. As one of the top affiliate programs in the market we believe in providing you the tools to success. In other words - we are here for you.

Nossos clientes satisfeitos

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O SITE123 é, sem dúvida, o criador de sites mais fácil e amigável que já encontrei. Os técnicos do suporte por chat são excepcionalmente profissionais, tornando o processo de criar um site impressionante incrivelmente simples. A expertise e o suporte deles são verdadeiramente excepcionais. Assim que descobri o SITE123, parei imediatamente de procurar outras opções – é tão bom assim. A combinação de uma plataforma intuitiva e um suporte de primeira qualidade faz o SITE123 se destacar da concorrência.
Christi Prettyman us Flag
star star star star star
Na minha experiência, o SITE123 é muito fácil de usar. Nas raras ocasiões em que encontrei dificuldades, o suporte online deles provou ser excepcional. Eles resolveram rapidamente quaisquer problemas, tornando o processo de criação do site tranquilo e agradável.
Bobbie Menneg us Flag
star star star star star
Depois de experimentar vários construtores de sites, o SITE123 se destaca como o melhor para iniciantes como eu. Seu processo intuitivo e suporte online excepcional tornam a criação de websites uma tarefa simples. Dou ao SITE123 uma classificação de 5 estrelas com toda a confiança - é perfeito para quem está começando.
Paul Downes gb Flag

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